Monday, April 28, 2008

My Lord Is Near Me All The Time

In the area I live we have been under a severe weather alert for some time now. The news stations are focusing on it and it is the conversation in our home and I am sure in other homes. Pretty powerful storm. Tornadoes, wind, thunder, heavy rain, dark clouds, etc. I grew up in Wichita Falls, TX and remember thunderstorms, lightning storms, and pretty serious tornadoes. Tornadoes were a normal part of the Spring season. On April 10, 1979 a tornado came through Wichita Falls and surrounding towns and caused major damage to homes and businesses and lives were lost due to the storm. My Youth Minister's house was destoyed except for the inner bathroom were his wife was staying for protection. For years my father would recall that day and tell the story of how he saw the tornadoe as it demolished homes and businesses. It impacted my father so much that just a few years later he started 3N Storm Shelter Company which placed tornado shelters in peoples yards. I worked for my father while in late high school and through college to help pay for my education.
This reminds me of a Hymn I learned while serving as the Youth Minister at First Baptist Church of Lakeside City some years ago. Serving in that church was a great time. The words to the hymn are below. I like this hymn because of the lyrics and the melody. I enjoy nature and storms even though I do not care for the destruction caused in storms.

First Stanza: In the lightning flash across the sky His mighty power I see, and I know if He can reign on high, His light can shine on me.
Second Stanza: When the thunder shakes the mighty hills and trembles every tree, then I know a God so great and strong can surely harbor me.
Third Stanza: When refreshing showers cool the earth and sweep across the sea, then His rainbow shines within my heart, His nearness comforts me.
Chorus: I've seen it in the lightning, heard it in the thunder, and felt it in the rain; My Lord is near me all the time, my Lord is near me all the time.

My Lord Is Near me All The Time by Barbara Fowler Gaultney (1935-1974) copyright in Baptist Hymnal 1975. Hymn number 209.

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