Sunday, April 06, 2008

A Letter To SCC - Joy In Your Circumstances


I hope you are already sensing and experiencing your joy quota increasing as we continue learning from the book of Philippians during this “Surprised By Joy” series. I hope at various times this past week you were able to “turn that frown upside down” as you gave thanks for people in your life and sought to increase someone else’s joy.

In the book of Philippians it is obvious that Paul isn’t writing from a circumstantial point of view. If he was the letter would have been sour, negative, harsh, and disheartening. Instead, Paul is upbeat, warm, hopeful, positive, and even cheerful despite his circumstances. The letter is full of thanks, joy, and hope. It is clear that Paul is not focused on his circumstances and has been able to see beyond the temporary and focus on the eternal, see past the bad and focus on the good, and to see how the good news of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed despite his difficult situation. This letter is crazy or outrageous if you really think about it, but this is what can happen in our lives if we will choose to see and live life from a new perspective and not focus on circumstances.

Circumstances are much like the weather. They can be good, bad, and sometimes ugly. They can change very quickly. I remember one day not long ago in this area when in one day it was warm, sunny, cloudy, thundering, cold, rainy and then snow followed by a clearing blue sky, all of this in one day. It is not wise or healthy to base our lives on circumstances because they can change in a heartbeat and there are many circumstances that we have no control over. Instead we can choose to allow God to have reign in our lives, in our attitudes and begin experiencing real joy that is crazy, outrageous and contagious. Experiencing joy (peace, calm, anticipation, hope, a positive attitude, encouragement) in the midst of circumstances can be accomplished if we will focus on how God is working in our lives, the good news, and view life from an eternal perspective. I hope that you and I and Sunrise Community Church will continue to, “Delight yourselves in God, yes, find your joy in Him at all times.”, and live with a sense of awe and wonder that will draw others to Jesus Christ.

As I end this letter I want to share some good news, really good news and great news with you. The good news is that you are reading this letter so you are currently alive. The really good news is that life is a gift from God and He really is in control no matter what your circumstances. The great news is that we can live with a deep sense of awe, wonder and joy if we will focus on God’s work in our life’s and those around us, the good around us, and live with an eternal focus.

God’s work is happening. You and I just need to adjust our perspective a little bit to see His wonderful work in our lives. You and I have plenty of good things to dwell on in our daily lives. We just need to choose what we are going to see. I have eternal hope because of my trust in Jesus Christ. If you have trusted Jesus you have that same hope. That is joyful news. This week take a few minutes each day to look at your life and the life of those close to you and begin to discover how God is moving and working. Make a list of all the good things in your life. Think of people, material possessions, and a positive story that you recently heard and write them down at the bottom of this sheet. Take few minutes now and thank God for eternal hope. Ask God to help you discover how you can help others come to know Jesus Christ personally and experience the eternal hope you have. As you act on these three items in your life watch your joy quota increase. Just be careful someone might think you are crazy.

Steve Nethery

How God is working or moving:

The good stuff:

How can you help others come to faith in Jesus Christ?

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