Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Everyday Easter - Mark 16:4

Personal And Spiritual Growth - A Poem

This past year, God's been moving my spirit
Giving me purpose .... allowing people to hear it
I'm sharing life change .... hoping others draw near it.
I always wanna share .... sometimes I still fear it.
God is the master, and I am His clay.
Every single moment, God wants to mold me His way.
I'm using God's Word to hear what He'll say
With God's power I'm a new man each day.
Shape, Share and One Word were all put in place
To see God's hands, to feel His grace.

To alter hearts, to change life's pace.
To shape our spirits, to seek Christ's face
To share true life in a world of doubt
To show all peeps what Christ is about.

Robert Hobbs

Benefits of Belonging To A Church - Extended List

Meet new people
Children meet other children
New friendships formed
Solid friendships formed
People praying for you during difficult times
People rejoicing with you in good times
Personal development and improvement
Learn to move out of you comfort zone
Learn to stay in God’s comfort zone
Learn scripture
Apply the Bible to your life
Hear from God
Draw close to God
Health improvement
Social networks
Career networks
Solid people involved in children’s lives
You get to help others
Helping others is a good thing
You get to sing like you are in the shower
Learn of new songs and music
Retreat opportunities
Camp opportunities
Encouraged to go for it
Encouraged to slow down
Improve your relational skills
Become a rock star
Learn public speaking skills
Develop skills you never knew you had
Sharpen skills you know you have
Childcare network
Built in support system
Hugs, handshakes and high fives
Understand just how important you are
Meet you future spouse
Move past your stereotypes
Learn to ride a bike
Learn to live life to the fullest
Learn to in God’s love, forgiveness, truth and righteousness
Receive love
Give love
Receive help
Give help
Receive prayers
Give prayers
Receive encouragement
Give encouragement
Receive wise counsel
Give wise counsel
Live with more purpose
Your children hear about God’s love for them
Your children make the decision to follow Jesus Christ
Teens have a good support system
Travel the states
International travel
Expand your horizon
Learn a new language
Sing songs in a different language
Use your talents in the Kingdom of God
Discover abilities you did not know you had
Meet your new lifelong friend
Invest in others
Discover life
Experience healing
Be accepted as you are
Be encourage to grow
People praying for you
people praying for your family
Live w more meaning
Learn to pray
Understand what prayer is
Become an actor
Become a Hollywood Star
Make a movie that can potentially change the world
Wake up to life
Know that God is God
