Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chasing Daylight - A Guest Blog - Jon Trude

Jon Trude posted the below on SCC's website. Good stuff.

Hi everyone! I just wanted to drop you all a line and let you know that things are going great out here in OKC! It have been wicked cold and windy but past that everything is great! I had something that I wanted to share with all of you reading this.

During my flight to Houston I had one of those WOW moments that God puts in your life. We took off from Norfolk around 4:30ish and started heading west. Being winter, I thought to myself that the sun would be setting soon and we would be able to see the lights of the cities below. After they allowed the electronic devices, I pulled out my ipod and spaced out for about an hour. As soon snapped out of my trance, I looked out my window to see if I could tell which city we were over. Than it hit me... there was still light outside. It was the craziest thing. I looked back and I could see the darkness of night and the rising moon chasing us. In front of me was the setting sun that was fading over the horizon. It was like we were chasing daylight. Of course the way my mind works, that experience made me think of a passage from the book "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus.

"We all have dreams, hopes and aspirations. Why, then, so some of us realize our dreams and move forward while some others from a distance and hope for a break? The question is how do we know that the dream that we are working towards are God's will for our lives? How can we live with a clarity that frees us from apprehension and hesitation and catapults us forward with confidence and courage?

When we are passionate about God, we can trust our passions.

We have but one life. We are given the opportunity to pursue our dreams and fulfill our divine purpose. Every moment counts, and we must engage them with fierceness and zeal. Put an end to passive observation, paralyzed by the need for perfect opportunity, and start seizing the raw, untapped potential of your life with God."

Are you willing to risk failure? Are you ready to get in the game? Everyone stumbles, but you will find yourself falling forward, propelled toward the God-inspired adventure He indents you to live.

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