Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jena 6 Case

If you have watched or read any news as of late you are familiar with the phrase "Jena 6". The Jena 6 involves racism and racial tension in Jena, LA. This Jena 6 Case goes back to last year about this time and involves a high school, a town, teachers, students, parents, and the courts. As I read about it and watch some news coverage my heart is broken. This stuff is crazy. Not just the racism stuff, but the whole fighting, brawling, hanging noose, division, lack of discipline, the white tree, the courts, the seemingly lack of proper school action, and now the rallies throughout the states supporting the young men arrested for badly beating a another young man.

God help us all. I need it. We need it. Jena High School needs it. Jena, LA needs it. Racism is wrong. The whole "Jena 6" is wrong. The case may be about six students, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. This goes way beyond the six on trial. It does seem that injustice is being done in the court room and so people are speaking out via rallies and news media, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The white tree needs to become the prayer tree and a place where people meet God, confess there sins and get right with God and one another. The city and county leaders need to get over themselves, learn from the past, and move forward in new relationships. The white students need to rally for the black students and the black students need to rally for the white students. It seems some parents need to get off of their butts and begin to get over themselves, learn from the past, and move forward in new relationships. It may be that teachers in the local schools need to get over themselves, learn from the past and move forward in new relationships. You and I need to get over ourselves, learn from the past and move forward in new relationships.

Get over ourselves.:
We are not our own. God created us and we need to understand that truth. We have gone astray in the way we treat God and one another. This is called sin. The word for sin really means missing the mark, not hitting the bulls eye on the target, falling short. I do not have to look very hard to see how I have missed the mark, not hit the bulls eye and have fallen short in my life in regards to decisions, actions, and thoughts. You most likely do not have to look very hard either. If you do you are blinded by self righteousness and ought to move to Jena, LA. You would fit right in with the others.

Learn from the past:
Racism is wrong. It is a sin. We all have it in us. History is clear on this matter and many other matters of our undoing.

Move forward in new relationships:
God loves us. All of us. He sent His son to die for our sin and in the resurrection of Jesus Christ we have life, a new relationship and new relationships. I have accepted this fact by faith and need to move forward in new thoughts, new relationships, restoration and reconciliation. I do not always do this even in my own family and friendships because I often need to get over myself, learn form the past, and move forward in new relationships. Sound familiar.

"Jena 6". God help us. Help us move past black, white, brown, tan, etc. God help me. Help me move past myself and allow you to move in my life. I admit this is hard for me the type A, driven, my way or the highway person I am, but I want you to take these traits and use them for your Kingdom and not my kingdom. God as I read your word, the news and learn from my family and from my mistakes move me in a new direction of healthy decision making for me, my family and my friends. Thanks for the hope you give. Thanks that my hope is in you. That you have brought life to me. May your healing and restoration take place in Jena, LA.

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