Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Church Is Not The End

Church is not the end.  It is the means to an end.  When thinking about church people often think as church as the end.  Church attendance. Serving in the church.  Worship attendance.  Church membership. "I am a part of ______________ Church." Even leaders in the church can be prone to thinking that church is the end. But it is not. Our time together in worship, small groups, book studies, and ministry opportunities is important and needed, but it is not the end. The end is making disciples.  The end is helping people walk with God in such a way that they become Kingdom Oriented, God Kingdom Oriented followers of Jesus Christ.  The end is leading people to follow Jesus Christ and live in Christ.  The end is to keep in mind, "the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." Making Disciples is the main thing. Following Jesus Christ is the main thing. Developing a person and people of God is what church is about. Church, the body of Christ, the people of God, the called out ones is not the end.  Our worship services, Bible studies, fellowships, mission trips and other activities are not the end.  They are a means to an end. They are ways in which we as the church help people to live in Christ and for Christ so that they are in the world (missional is the current Christian buzz word for this) but not of the world. The end is about God and His kingdom and people following Jesus Christ. The end is making disciples, who can make disciples, who can make disciples and so on.
As a church leader who works with other church leaders it is important, no, it is imperative that we understand that our "church activities" are not the end. They are important and need to be done well, but they are not the end. I speak with many church leaders who seem to think the means is the end.  We talk about worship, Bible study, fellowship, mission endeavors, and many other facets of church as if they are they are the end. We will visit about and even evaluate the means as if it is the end. I understand how we can think this way because we invest valuable time and resources on these "means" to accomplish and end, making disciples.  But may we stop, assess, and remember church is not the end.  Making disciples, who can make disciples, who can make disciples to the glory of God and His Kingdom is the end. May we evaluate the means, learn more about the means, make necessary changes to the means so that in the end we have accomplished the end, making disciples, developing people who love God, love others and who are seeking to make a difference in God's Kingdom.

Note To Self: I thank God that He brought people into my life that have helped me understand this as a follower of the Way and as a leader in the church.

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