Bold: fearless and adventurous, cunning and eager to face danger or adventure with a sense of confidence and fearlessness; requiring or showing fearlessness, daring, and often originality
Synonyms: brave, daring, courageous, intrepid, audacious, gallant, valiant
Courage: quality of being brave; the ability to face danger difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear, or being deflected from a chosen course of action
Synonyms: brave, guts, nerve, valor, daring, audacity
A child who jumps off the diving board for the first time that’s bold and courageous
A child who rides a bike without training wheels that’s bold and courageous
A teenager who says no to drugs that’s bold and courageous
A teenager who is willing to be a leader and not a follower that’s bold and courageous
Here are some more things that are bold and courageous:
A couple who gets married
Having a child, adopting a child, raising someone else’s child as your own
Changing careers
Continuing your education
Sitting back and letting your children raise their children
Taking time to give
Helping others
Being Honest and Trusting
Being a Friend
Believing in God, yourself, and others
Doing your best no matter what
Trying to change and not giving up
Being an example of a loving person for others
Knowing when to let go and when to hold on
Living life regardless of fear
Doing the right thing
Courage is standing up for what you believe and for those you love
Courage is following your dreams
Courage is having hope in your heart and sharing it with others