...the word of God came to John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness. And he came into all the district around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins... Luke 3:2b and 3a
John heard from the Lord and then went out. Many of us go without hearing from the Lord. As a matter of fact in the American church only 3 out of 10 of the leaders in a given church spend time with God. Place ten leaders in a room and ask who is spending regular time with God in prayer, reading Scripture and and seeking to hear from God and maybe three will will own up. The others will have numerous excuses and even downplay the time they need to be spending with God. I know this because I meet with pastors regularly and because I have experienced it myself as a leader. Leaders and followers of Jesus going out before hearing from God. Preachers (myself included) preaching without hearing from God (spending time with God). Team Leaders leading not yet hearing form God. Parents seeking to parent and raise children without a word from God. How needy we are to hear from God. How dry and parched our souls because we are in need for a word from the Lord. It will come if we will spend some time in the wilderness. God is speaking, moving, working, preparing and when we will take some time to slow down and take a stroll in the wilderness we will hear from Him. The wilderness does not have to be the wilderness. The wilderness can be anywhere you can slow down physically, mentally, socially, spiritually and hear from God as you pray, read his Word, have your devotional time and hear from God. This morning my wilderness was on the back porch, at times it is in the blue chair in the family room, it occasionally is at a local park, or in a night walk, or early morning hours of sleeplessness when I get out of bed and listen. Please, for the sake of the Kingdom of God, the local church, yourself and those who do not yet know Jesus Christ ask God to forgive you and then empower you so that you will discover the wilderness. Spend time with God.
When John heard, he went out. The Word came and he went. As John spent time in the wilderness God was preparing others, the way, the circumstances and John so that as he went out others were receptive. This is absolutely beautiful. WOW. Look at
Luke 3 The people are inquisitive, they are curious about the message and the man. They have questions that are seemingly sincere and their hearts are stirred. God is at work. John spent time with God, God spent time with John. God did His thing in the hearts of people and as John steps out he steps into God's work, because of the wilderness time. Spend time with God and step out. Step out in His power with His message of hope. God is moving right now in the hearts of people and in the circumstances of their lives. His message of hope is simmering in their lives and you have the opportunity to cause a stirring of questions that can lead them to accept God's love. What an opportunity. Experience the wilderness and go. The Word, Then Go.