Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Created Words

Over the past several years myself and others in Horizon Community Church have placed together words that express our ethos and beliefs. Below are the words with a brief definition.

Anticipraytion: [an-tis-uh-prey-shuhn]
1. the act of praying with anticipation.
2. realization in advance; foretaste.
3. praying in and with expectation or hope.
4. praying and anticipating the answer.

Creavolution: [cre-a-voe-loo-shuhn]
1. believing in creation(macro) and evolution(micro).
2. God created it all.
3. life changes and morphs.
4. In the beginning... God.

Godcidence: [koh-in-si-duhns] 
1. a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance, but believing and understanding that God is in control.
2. when seeking after God things fall together in a crazy sort of way.
3. a God instance of this.
Faithilistic: [faith-uh-lis-tik] 
1. interested in, concerned with, or based on a life of faith and how it is fleshed out in the physical and spiritual world. 
2. pertaining to living by fiath. 
3. resembling or simulating life lived in faith.
Feartastic: [feer-tas-tik]
1. experiencng a little fear as you move into something great and fantastic. 
2. in spite of being apprehensive one is fanciful or capricious, as persons or their ideas or actions.
3. imaginary and beautiful; not being based on reality; moving forward in life and with God in spite of fear.
4. overcoming fear to live in the faithilistic realm.

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