Monday, April 14, 2008

A Letter to Sunrise - Joy On The Job


I hope your joy quota is increasing as we continue learning from the book of Philippians during this “Surprised By Joy” series. The leaders in Sunrise want your joy quota to be increasing. This doesn’t mean that everything has to be going your way and that you are on an emotional high. It does mean that you are aware that God is with you, He cares for you, and He desires to be a major part of your life. Take some time this week to read through the Book of Philippians and glean some insight to experiencing God’s joy in everyday life.
Scott shared with us that we can experience joy on the job. Work is not a bad word, a bad thing, nor does it have to be a drag. Work can be enjoyed and we can actually be joyful in our work at home, on the job, in our career, and as we serve Jesus Christ together in Sunrise. You and I can even enjoy the commute to and from our place of employment if we will choose to “Delight yourselves in God, yes, find your joy in him at all times.”

When you and I begin to really understand and live in the fact that work will sometimes be fun and sometimes be a pain we can begin to move into enjoying work as we choose to make the most of our time, relationships and resources that help us and others experience joy on the job.

This week as you are keeping up with responsibilities around the house, commuting to and from your job, and praying for and preparing for your service to Jesus Christ take a few minutes to offer a few co-workers to God and ask Him to work in their lives. Thank God for your home, supper, and vacuum cleaners. Ask God to direct you in your service to Him. “Joyful Work”. These words do not seem to go together. But they really do. God has given us the opportunity to build positive relationships on the job, be creative in order to help the organization in which work, and he has given us talents and abilities that we can offer back to him as we serve together in Sunrise to help people we know and do not yet know come to faith in Jesus Christ and begin to see their joy quota increase.

May God’s grace and peace be evident in your life this week as you enjoy work.

Steve Nethery

This week look at the following verse and give it some thought and begin to experience joy on the job.

“Do all you have to do without grumbling or arguing.” Philippians 2:14

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