Monday, February 04, 2008

For SCC - 2-3-08 Witnessing: Once upon a time...

This past Sunday we ended our series called New Year, New You: Life Changing Resolutions. Steve Gabriele and I shared from Acts 9 and we encouraged you to tell your story, the story of someone else or the story of what is going on in Sunrise. This is one way for you and I to witness to to others so that they might hear about how much God cares for them.

Steve and I started the message by telling some stories and starting the stories with Once upon a time...

We then shared that one way to witness is to tell your story, the story of someone else and the story of what is going on in the church.

Stories are important. Stories are our life. We all have stories from childhood, the teen years, college days and on and on and on... Acts 9 is a chapter in the Bbile that could be called the Buzz Factor because of what happens and how the news of what happened spread through relationships, networks, and households due the the Buzz that was created from stories being told.

Acts 9 - The Buzz Chapter
Acts 9: 19-22 Saul/Paul tells some of his story and speaks about Jesus Christ
Acts 9: 26-28 Barnabas tells some of Pauls story and speaks about Jesus Christ
Acts 9: 36-43, focus on 42 Word spreads of Jesus Christ after a miracle happens in a local church

Three tips for telling your story, the story of someone else or the story of what is happening in the church:
1. What you know
2. What you have
3. Because of God

The benefits of witnessing - telling your story:
You learn and grow
You become acountable
It energizes your spiritual life
Others come to know Jesus Christ

This week think about your story and tell it to someone. Once upon a time....

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