Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas (un)Comfort Zone

Borrowed/Stolen from Greg English who borrowed/stole it from Granger Community Church. This isn't really Christmas, but it really is Christmas.

Granger is “intentionally helping people understand how they can experience a revolution in their life that can ultimately help them bring a revolution to their community. Granger isn't about helping people become churchy--it's about helping people experience a transformed life in Christ that challenges folks to live out their faith daily in today's culture. Frankly, that's a lot harder than just being churchy. Churchiness is easy. You just follow prescribed rules. Real faith is dynamic. It's controversial. It's dangerous. It's constantly growing. It asks challenging questions. It involves mystery. You can't put it in a box. You can't keep it quiet. You can't out-grow it. You can't out-dream it. It's more focused on others than it is on self.”

Dear God, Help me. Dear God, Help others. Christmas is not about being churchy or good. The first Christmas was the fleshy beginning of God to give Himself up in death and then explode in the power of the resurrection. As a follower of Christ I am a part of the church. God's Body. God's People. God's mission of reconciliation and redemption. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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